contact us

Ways of communication with us

Address of the center

Campus, phase 2, Imam square, Arcadia commercial center, 2nd floor

Phone number


Instagram address


Online reservation at Dr. Zainab Ghazi service center

The best time to take care of yourself is now!
To book an appointment and receive clinic services, complete and submit the application form. Our colleagues will contact you as soon as possible. Thank you very much for choosing our center to serve you
Necessary tips to complete the form:
1) Enter your name, surname and contact number
2) To use subscriber services, enter your contact number (available).
3) In the required services section, select the option you want
4) Mark the way you got to know the clinic
5) Enter your message in the description field and submit your request
6) If you are taking special medicine, enter it in the description section
7) If you have a history of certain diseases or surgeries, enter it in the description section
8) If you have had previous injections of fillers and botox, be sure to inform in the description section
9) Our colleagues will contact you. Attend the clinic at the scheduled time
10) Preferably avoid bringing companions and children to the clinic
InstaGram : Dr.zeinabghazi
Wsp : 989399222355

Consultation request form and online appointment registration

رزرو آنلاین نوبت

First name and Last name
the method of introduction?
How many Saturdays would you like to come to see us?

Consultation request form and online appointment registration

رزرو آنلاین نوبت

First name and Last name
the method of introduction?
How many Saturdays would you like to come to see us?