about us
Skin and hair beauty and laser clinic, Dr. Zainab Ghazi
Our specialty is the beauty of your health and vitality. Ask us for the best advice, treatment and care for your skin and hair!
Dr. Zeinab Ghazi’s health and beauty center operates as one of the best specialized centers in the field of beauty and skin health, which, in addition to botox and filler injections by an experienced and trained doctor, provides services with the most up-to-date devices in the world, such as: laser, mesonedling, teramids, and plasma. , hydroderm, facial, and hifu are also performed.
All the activities of the collection are based on the approach of principled injections and completely natural changes in order to change women’s view and definition of beauty. And our mission is to help strengthen people’s self-confidence, especially women, and self-love without needing to be similar to other people.
The center's professional and expert team
Zainab Ghazi
Specialist doctor
Zainab Ghazi
Specialist doctor
- Phone:09121234567
- Email:info@example.com
Samane Akrami
Laser operator
Samane Akrami
Laser operator
- Phone:09121234567
- Email:info@example.com
Afsana Ahmadi
Specialist in hyphotherapy and mesotherapy
Afsana Ahmadi
Specialist in hyphotherapy and mesotherapy
- Phone:09121234567
- Email:info@example.com
Mitra Kazemi
Mitra Kazemi
- Phone:09121234567
- Email:info@example.com